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The Art of Law and Gospel

Today, I’m excited to announce the launch of a new book that I've been working on for several months in order to share with the world. Introducing: The Art of Law and Gospel. 

One of the most dangerous problems plaguing the Christian Church is the failure to distinguish Law and Gospel. @@These two words - Law and Gospel - are a gift from God.@@ We need both words, but we need them for different reasons. 

A clear understanding of Law and Gospel makes us acutely aware of our own sin problem and in awe of God’s grace. A proper understanding of God’s law eliminates self-righteousness and pops inflated egos. And a proper understanding of God’s promises gives us hope when we have nothing to hope in, joy when everything is falling apart, and grace when we deserve punishment.

It’s my hope that this book will help you become an artist skilled in distinguishing Law and Gospel, knowing that it is God’s Law that always leads you to God’s Grace.


How To Get a Copy

The Art of Law and Gospel is available in a few different formats in order to make it as widely accessible as possible. It's my hope that this book can be an introduction to Law-Gospel theology - easily and shared with people who might not have all the theological lingo.