The Comparison Trap


The Comparison Trap

We are experts in comparison. As kids, teenagers, and adults - comparison doesn't really change, we evaluate ourselves based on how we measure up to the people around us. Did we get more than them? Are we better than them?  Do people like me more than them


Fear, Fighting, and the Red Sea


Fear, Fighting, and the Red Sea

I cannot imagine the mixed emotions the Israelite's would have felt when their feet first hit the edge of the Red Sea. After finally escaping the slavery of Pharaoh, it seemed that their incompetent rescuer did think through his plan. He led them to their demise with their last view being an army behind them and a sea in front of them.


Grace from Start to Finish


Grace from Start to Finish

Grace is always one-sided. We never have anything to do with it - that is, besides the sin that makes it necessary. But for some reason, we convince ourselves that are responsible for the grace we receive. We are convinced that in order to progress spiritually or to get more from God, it’s all riding on our performance. 


Shut Up and Dance with Me


Shut Up and Dance with Me

At any moment our family room is on the verge of being transformed into a rave. "Dance party! Dance party!" is all that's needed and the room will immediately cease to be a place of lounging, toy-playing, and movie watching and become a dance floor filled with moves you'd hope to never see a grown man do.


The Problem of the Ladder


The Problem of the Ladder

There is something alluring about a ladder. The better you perform, the higher you climb. The higher you climb, the more you get. If you want more from your job, work harder. If you work harder, you get better and if you get better, you get more rewards. 


How Does Jesus Respond to Evil


How Does Jesus Respond to Evil

It doesn’t end. Weeks after the tragedy at Pulse, a nightclub in Orlando, we have witnessed the tragedies of the death of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and a mass shooting that killed 5 police officers in Dallas.

God have mercy. 


Grace, Denial, and Dropping the Mask


Grace, Denial, and Dropping the Mask

Christians are experts in denial. We find ways to cover our tracks, to hide the problem, and to justify ourselves with a string of excuses. We've become experts at putting on a facade of a happier, more behaved version of ourselves. We hide the problem while appearing to have it all together. 


The Art of Law and Gospel


The Art of Law and Gospel

Today, I’m excited to announce the launch of a new book that I've been working on for several months in order to share with the world - for free! Introducing: The Art of Law and Gospel. 

One of the most dangerous problems plaguing the Christian Church is the failure to distinguish Law and Gospel. These two words - Law and Gospel - are a gift from God. We need both words, but we need them for different reasons. 


Distortions of the Gospel


Distortions of the Gospel

The greatest threat to the Christian Church is not the culture we live in. Despised the ever-present culture-wars, it is not the greatest potential of damage to the Church. Christianity has faced cultures far more hostile to the Christian faith and have experienced exponential growth.


Quieting the Voices


Quieting the Voices

The accusations of the voices we hear on a daily basis are deafening. There is no shortage of voices that will remind us of our failures. If God can choose to speak even through the mouth of an ass to get his message across, it seems that Satan has an abundance to choose from for his message


An Antidote for Recovering Pharisees


An Antidote for Recovering Pharisees

Once an addict always an addict. It may not have hit you, but it will. It always does. 

We are born in this world addicted to the Law. We crave "do this or don't do this" and from our first sip, we measure ourselves accordingly. We get high off of our own self-righteousness, creating images of ourselves based on imaginary comparisons. . 


The Failure of Behavior Modification


The Failure of Behavior Modification

The Christian Church loves to preach the Law. It loves to give us lists, steps, and advice. The Church loves to preach "do this" to a people who repeatedly fail to do it.The lists and steps aren't the problem, the problem is that lists, steps, and advice at best are a temporary fix to a symptom of the real problem.


Adam, Animals, and Discovering Your Calling


Adam, Animals, and Discovering Your Calling

The first artist, only one day into his new life, is given an important creative endeavor. We don't know if he also suffered from the first case of writers block or had to deal with the inner turmoil of staring at a blank canvas, but less than 24 hours into life in the Garden, Adam is given the first creative opportunity.


Gratification and the Slavery of Work

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Gratification and the Slavery of Work

Slavery turns human beings into assets. Oppression becomes the method of business in order to meet the demands of the master. Tyranny, manipulation, and fear are all wielded to get the slaves to do whatever the master wants.

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The Word that Never Sleeps


The Word that Never Sleeps

The Law is the dominant language of our culture. We may not realize it behind a veil of self-improvement, fashion advice, or suggested nutrition plans from lifestyle bloggers, but the predominant message of culture is "Do more. Try Harder." 
