
This past winter we did our winter retreat at Castaway Bay Indoor Waterpark.  We built the retreat all around a simple theme that we were able to drive into the minds of our students really well.  Our theme for the weekend was 3D.  Because the theme was such a succcess, I wanted to share the big ideas behind the theme and let you know that we used to pull off the theme so that you can take the idea and make it work in your context.

What is a 3D Life?

A 3D life is the best possible life.  In John 10:10 Jesus says, "I have come to give them life and life to the full."  This is what we referred to as a 3D life.  Since 3D makes everything better, the fullest possible life is a 3D one, which is found in relationship Jesus.  A 3D life is devoted to Jesus, dares to be different, and dreams to change the world.

How We Made the Theme Stick

Pre-retreat teaser.

Before we left for the retreat, we began teasing the theme of the retreat.  We didn't explain what it meant, just let the kids know that our winter retreat was going to be in 3D this year.  My brother and I also put together a video to tease the idea.


3D Glasses

Once I knew what our theme was going to be, I decided that I wanted to find some videos to use and actually make the 3D concept have some fun elements to go along with our teaching points.  I ordered 150 red and cyan glasses and we had them sitting out on seats for the students when the arrived to our first session.

3D Videos

If you do some searching, you can find some great 3D videos online.  I found a handful of videos to use as creative elements during our sessions.  When our countdown hit zero, the lights dimmed, and the students were asked to put on their 3D glasses.  For each session, we had 1 or 2 videos as creative entertainment pieces.  The video below is one we produced; to have some fun with 3D we chose a student to sit front and center and judge the quality of the 3D.  When it came to the point of the pie being thrown at the screen, we snuck up behind the student and pied him in the face.  If you're looking to make your own 3D video, I put together a tutorial that might be helpful.

3D Graphics

We also made some graphics to use for our message backgrounds and books.  Feel free to take and use any of these elements and ideas for use in your own ministry.

3D Title

Photo Credit (3D Glasses thumbnail): Matt Neale
