Four Steps Essential to Training Others —

No matter what your vocation in life there will be times where knowing how to train someone is critical to your job and potentially the vision of the organization you work for. Unfortunately for most of us, we search for the person that can do it and sometimes forget to work through the whole process of training. We may find someone who can accomplish the task at the end, but if we don't train they might miss important skills and more importantly an understanding of why and how behind the task that needs to be finished.


Four Steps to Training:

1. I Do, You Watch

What is it you want them to learn? Let them watch you do it. Do you want somebody to learn how to be a teacher? If so, the first step is them spending time watching you teach. Imagine somebody trying to be a great artist without ever spending time learning about the great artists of past.

2. We Do

At this point your protégé has spent some time watching you, so now it's time to do it together. Work on the skill together, talk about what you're doing, and then actually work through the entire process as a team. Don't skip ahead to other steps; don't just give them the task and expect them to figure it out, work with them.

3. You Do, I Watch

I feel like this is when it really starts to get fun. We start to let go a little bit and make some room for them to really lead and use their skills. And when they start using their skills, we also begin to see how they are uniquely gifted and what they are passionate about. At this point, we still aren't completely letting go, we are present watching, critiquing, and following up to help them continue to grow i their craft.

4. You Do, I Do Something Else

At this point, they know what to do. They've seen you do it, they've done it with you, and have been done it several times while you've watched. Now you need to be willing to completely let go and hand it over to them while you go find something else to do. This may be difficult for you, but it's an important step in the learning process. And the confidence that comes from knowing, "I can do this on my own," makes a huge difference as they use their new skill.

Photo Credit: Wyane

Note: This process is not an original idea, I learned it in a class my freshmen year of college and I've also heard the same process describe by our Executive Pastor. I don't know the origins of this process, but it's incredible.

